A Guide to Networking

As someone who has moved and uprooted several times in my life, I’ve now had to rebuild my social circle several times from scratch. In doing so, I have become rather experienced at networking so I thought I’d share some tips.

1. Find your tribe

This is a seemingly obvious tip which makes a world of difference. You must find your tribe. In order to do this, you must know where to look. Who are your people? Who do you seem to instantly click with?

Perhaps its homesteaders, right-wingers, hippies, homeschoolers, Pagans, traditional Catholics, musicians, scholars, or some combination of these. Or, perhaps you’re an insufferable leftist who instantly seems to click with others who constantly slander Western civilization! The point is, meeting people with fundamental values you agree on makes networking both easier and actually worthwhile. Besides, why not focus on befriending those who are fundamental allies?

2. Focus on those who take initiative

Often, we focus our networking efforts on those who are mostly uninterested in reciprocating the effort. Instead, we should be putting our energy towards people who are more proactive in forwarding a relationship. This will result in a much more efficient use of your time and better results.

3. Don’t spread yourself too thin

When at a conference, party or social gathering, you may have the urge to meet and introduce yourself to as many people as possible at the event. However, in doing so, you are spreading yourself too thin and ultimately making each interaction more shallow.

At social events, it is better to focus your efforts on 1-3 individuals with whom you have the best chemistry with. By going deeper into conversation with these select few, you will ultimately build more meaningful rapport. This will be a more solid foundation to build a long-term relationship on.

4. Logistics, Logistics, Logistics

When you’re at a social event, people will inevitably be coming and going. Perhaps a group will be meeting up at pub later, perhaps someone has to leave early, or perhaps everyone needs to split up for whatever reason.

Take initiative on the logistics so that no fundamental errors are made. Did you make sure to get that certain person’s phone number or email before they left? Did you make sure to double check which pub that group was going to after? Do you have spare time the morning after the event to organize a coffee with someone?

Logistical errors and oversights and can result in the loss of countless potential connections.

5. Send periodic messages to stay in touch

So, you’ve just met someone at an event and probably won’t see them again for some time… Now what? Send them occasional messages to stay in touch.

These little messages go a long way: they keep you two connected through a respite, build additional rapport and demonstrate a willingness to continue the relationship forward. The messages could be anything ranging from happy birthday/ holiday messages, funny memes or any content relevant to your shared interests.

Even better than a message is a phone call or voice chat.

6. If you can’t get their contact info, get their name

Getting the contact information of every single person you meet who you find mildly interesting is superfluous. However, exchanging names is not, and it’s a great way to get the foot in the door.

If you ever have an interesting interaction with someone – no matter how short – try and exchange names. Should you ever meet the person again at some point in the future, just the mere fact that you’ve exchanged names will make it much easier to move forward with a relationship.

7. Don’t ignore those below you

As social creatures we have a tendency to want to network up social hierarchies. Perhaps you want to befriend someone who is the highest profile person in a particular community, or perhaps you want to move up a social ladder.

By thinking in these terms, we tend to ignore those who our equals, those who are below us in a social hierarchy or newcomers to particular circles. Nonetheless, these are the relationships which are most likely to flourish, and you never know how people may evolve over time.

While it is nice to know influential people, it is not necessary to know these types of people in order to have a strong social network. Higher-profile relationships can come with time naturally, so there is no need to force things.

8. Local beats non-local

Going to events outside your area can be great or even necessary should you live in a small town or have a particular set of interests. However, networking in events as local as possible tends to yield better results. It is simply far easier to maintain long-term relationships when you live close to your friends.

9. One liners go a long way

In many social situations, you don’t have the time to go deep into conversation to know someone on a personal level. Perhaps you are interacting with someone at work, or perhaps there is a large group of people socializing.

In these cases, quick funny one-liners relevant to the context and conversation are priceless. Practice working on your wit – banter with your mates is great for this. Remember, not every joke lands, so being funny inevitably comes with the baggage of having some jokes flop. Don’t worry about it.

10. Projects trump conversations

Humans are creative beings. If our relationship-building is reduced to mere talking and conversing, then we are bound to have shallower connections. However, if you create something of value with someone, you have a bond for life.

Experienced musicians know this feeling. It’s the distinct bond that is created when they are in synchronous collaboration with one another musician. Perhaps you wrote a song with another, or perhaps you played an epic concert together. The fact that there was a collaborative process of creation means your relationship has deepened to another level.

11. Become interesting

No one has a deep desire to build a close relationship with a boring, awkward, uninteresting slob. A man should be valuable. What do you have to offer the conversation or relationship? Have you accomplished anything in your life, do you have some unique insights, good stories, or at the very least – are you fun to be around? Being well-read helps, being funny helps. You don’t need to be all these things but you need to be something. Would others feel sheepish about introducing you to their high-status friends? If so, that’s a sign you should work on yourself.

I Listened to Hours of Andrew Tate so You Don’t Have to

I binge-listened to Andrew Tate last week. For those who don’t know, Tate is a 4-time kick-boxing world champion, multimillionaire and playboy with a brazen personality. He has become rather internet-famous recently due to some provocative interviews alongside an intensive marketing campaign. He made his millions off his e-girl webcamming and casino businesses.

The man has moral flaws. However, we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss him. Tate has had great success in the material world and deserves respect for doing so. He is clearly a man of high-calibre, as indicated by his success as an athlete, businessmen, and womanizer – along with an 1800 chess rating to boot. If you listen to his interviews you can tell that he has positive qualities and is a capable man. He has valuable insights for the dissident right with regards to how we should tackle modern world, but before getting to these insights I’ll start with the flaws:

Flaw 1: He’s a Moral Freeloader

Throughout interviews, Tate repeatedly states that he doesn’t like living in the West as it has turned into an immoral, corrupt and degraded society (we agree there). Instead, he prefers living in more religious countries such as Romania which has a relatively strong Orthodox church, or even Dubai where it is Muslim.

The blatant contradiction is painful: On one hand, he recognizes that irreligious societies are degenerate and disgusting; on the other, he chooses to engage in behaviour that perpetuates this exact societal problem which he is describing. Worse still, he actually made his millions by profiting off of such degenerate behaviour (gambling and e-whoring). Thus, Tate freeloads off of the religious and moral behaviour of the general citizenry in his current country of preference, all while defacing the moral framework within said country through his actions. I assume that once those countries turn into morally bankrupt shitholes, he’d move on to the next country, until there is no place left to turn?

Traditionalists and nationalists could fight for decades to return their beloved European-stock nations back to their former glory. He’s the type of guy who would move in after all the hard work has been done – reaping the benefits of the righteous society which has been created while criticizing those who were creating it at the time for being monogamists and traditionalists.

Flaw 2: Hedonism and Materialism

Tate seems to have a spiritual blind-spot with regards to fulfilment beyond the material. To him, success is simply measured by physical wealth and accolades. He is not afraid to indulge in his own vices and seems unconcerned about what might happen after his death and whether or not his soul will be judged by a higher power.

Just because you can make millions of dollars off of pornography or gambling, doesn’t mean you should. The same applies for sleeping with countless women (pumping and dumping women ruins them for life), or running a pyramid scheme (which is very close to what he’s doing with his Hustler’s University business).

Despite the fact that he prefers living in religious societies, it seems that Tate is completely unable to understand a humble life, the vocation of monk, or a life free from vice. He talks so much about material riches and so little about the spiritual war we are fighting in the modern West.

Flaw 3: He Has No Kids! (yet)

Andrew Tate talks a big game. He seems quite aware of the globalist plans to subjugate all of mankind into a slave-state. He’s done quite well for himself to avoid this subjugation: he lives in Romania (where you can get away with things), has a dozen passports, has worldwide connections and strategically sold all his properties to avoid having his assets under the thumb of a government. He even zoned his current Romanian residence as a shooting range so he could legally hold guns on the property (based). However, there is one fatal flaw: where is the progeny?!

I actually respect the guy’s competence and believe he has what it takes to form a successful counter-elite against the current ruling class. But, no. Instead, what is he doing with his time? Pimping whores! The fact that he has the potential to be a truly historic figure is what makes this all so frustrating.

In fairness, he says he does have plans to have kids with multiple women, Islam style. Just probably not in marriage, probably later in life, and he probably won’t spend too much time with his kids… Lord have mercy if he has daughters. Even kids from 4 wives while actually being loyal to them would be far superior to whatever degenerate sterile-sex behaviour he is currently engaging in.

Flaw 4: He’s Deracinated and Boomer-Truth Pilled

I won’t harp on this point too much. Essentially, Andrew Tate is 90% red-pilled, but hasn’t quite swallowed the whole bottle. He’s mixed-race (¼ black) and thus maybe struggles to take race-realism seriously. As far as I can tell, he doesn’t give a damn about the demographic replacement of Whites, and there are certain topics he will not dare touch.

Perhaps this is so he can stay on social media, but as someone who prides himself on being able to say what he wants, that shouldn’t be the case. To be fair, his content isn’t supposed to be overly political anyways, but I’m just saying: he’s not really our guy.


This all sounds quite bad, but with that out the way, let’s get to his ideas that might be more useful to the dissident right. I won’t get into basics like the fact that discipline is more important than motivation, a man must do things he doesn’t want to do, patriarchy is favourable to feminism, or the fact that a man has a moral imperative to defend his woman to the death. As traditionalists, we already understand these basic tenets. I will focus on the insights which may prove useful to the movement.

Strong Point 1: Band of Brothers Mentality

Andrew Tate has an extremely close relationship with his brother. They live together in the same house, push each other to be the best, spar together, run businesses together and have each other’s back no matter what. On top of that, the two brothers have a close-knit crew of friends which value loyalty above all else. Apparently, if the group ever get into an altercation, they carry an “either we all die, or no one dies” mindset.

This intense, mafia-level male camaraderie has been all but lost in the emasculated West, but if we ever want to win politically, it will need to be revived. We must go through life as a tightly-knit, highly loyal band of brothers rather than as individuals. Dissidents should be striving to have a close ride-or-die crew by their sides, prioritizing quality of friends over quantity.

Strong Point 2: A Conquering Mindset

Tate is unapologetic about his drive to dominate others. When speaking of his experience knocking some German fighter out in the ring, he said that “he didn’t give a shit”; in fact, he rather enjoyed seeing the shaken look on the man’s wife’s face when she saw that her husband had been owned. Just look at the way he conquered social media with his ruthless and strategic marketing campaign. This ruthlessness has become somewhat foreign mindset for most Whites.

But why shouldn’t we have the same mindset when dealing with those who hate us? I think we could use a more aggressive mentality. One way or another, we’re going to have to clear the current ruling class out – there are no 2 ways about it. We can stop being nice.

Strong Point 3: Leveraging Money

The dissident right needs to confront the reality that if we ever want real power, we will need money – and lots of it.Of course, wealth comes in many forms beyond just money, but the reality of the world is that money is power, and without large amounts of it, we are but leaves in the wind politically speaking. A whole world of opportunities and possibilities will open up to us should we as a group become wealthy.

Tate has acquired a lot of money in his day and is unafraid of using it to gain power and forward his goals. We should do the same. Yes, acquiring wealth is an uphill battle these days which is why it is imperative that we begin working together as a pack to create generational wealth over time.

It is worth mentioning that entrepreneurship is not for everyone. But if you do feel called to become rich or have the ability to do so, having some extremely wealthy people in the movement would make a world of a difference.

Strong Point 4: Fighting and Confrontation

One of the reasons that Tate can run his mouth and criticize whoever he wants is because he is a world-class fighter. He will never have to face the embarrassment of backing down if push comes to shove, because he has the goods to back it up. Regardless of whether or not one has to actually use their fighting skills, being able to hold this frame of extremely powerful. Fighting and intense competition teach you how to be confrontational and stand up for yourself even outside of the ring.

If Whites are to be feared and respected as a group, we’re going to have to find our warrior side. Just imagine how much better off would we be as a collective if each and every one us and our sons had to formally compete in a fight at least once as a coming of age ritual. Even joining a fighting gym to spar or train without the goal of formally competing would do wonders for our mentality.

Strong Point 5: Multiple Grids vs Off-Grid

Many in dissident circles have defaulted to the position that going off-grid is the best resiliency strategy, but perhaps being on multiple grids is a better strategy. Putting all your eggs in one basket living under 1 government is especially risky these days. (Of course, in order to pull this off you need money).

Tate emphasizes the importance of having multiple passports these days alongside international connections such that one can always make a pivot if circumstances dictate. Nationalists will justly criticize this deracinated mindset, as it ultimately leads to the abandonment of one’s people. But perhaps it is wise for us to have backup plans, a few extra passports and some flexibility in this regard. Who knows, we may get to a point where we are simply going to have to do what it takes to survive. The concept of being on multiple grids as a resiliency strategy is food for thought at the very least.

Strong Point 6: Become a High-Value Man to get a Compliant Woman

Tate specifically calls out Roosh for the way he pursued women during his years as a pickup artist. Rather than becoming the best version of himself and excelling in his personal life, Roosh learned “Game”. Basically, he learned all the ways to socially manipulate women into sleeping with him without any of the masculine pursuit of excellence outside of womanizing to back it up. I believe this is a fair criticism of Roosh: perhaps could have lived a much happier life and had the choice of several amazing wives had he gone with the personal development approach rather than the game approach.

It’s not an original idea, but choosing to work on yourself first and foremost is the superior long-term strategy to attracting and maintaining commitment from women. Once you become a man of real-world excellence who can provide for and protect a women, you earn yourself the patriarchal right to have authority over her as well as compliance and loyalty from her. But you don’t deserve that authority if you are not fulfilling your potential and upholding your responsibilities as a man. Tate goes a little bit extreme with the level of compliance he demands from his women, but they accept it because the high level of material success he has achieved in the world has earned him the right to do so.


Overall, Tate is a polarizing but respectable man who has found great success in the material realm. He has significant moral failings and should be called out for his freeloading of religious behaviour. Due to this freeloading, I doubt his ability to have a genuinely positive an effect on a real-life community in which he lives.

That said, he is wealthy, smart, athletic, funny, well-connected, and relatively powerful with a loyal crew: many qualities that we in the dissident right should be striving for. And he does provide some good advice for young men. I believe that Tate has the potential to form the beginnings of a genuine counter-elite against the current ruling class… if only he would raise some progeny and stop being ruled by his sexual vices.

We Can’t Just Move East

The Terrible Geography of Poland

Poland has long been known for having terrible geography. The name Poland is derived from the Polish word Pole, meaning field. The nation is basically a wide open field completely wide open to attack from the West and the East: a highway for an invading army. Even if the territory is safely controlled — the sea access is abysmal: the only access to the North Sea from the Baltic is a bottleneck which can easily be controlled by another power. All of this without mentioning neighbouring Russia’s enthusiasm for Empire and ‘denazification’.

Countries like Hungary, Czech Republic and Austria are more well protected by mountains, but are land-locked. This hinders their significance on the global stage. If the only safe soil for future European peoples ends up being these Central/ Eastern European countries, make no mistake about it: we are in trouble and will have definitively lost global prominence.

Losing Western Europe would put us is in a massive strategic deficit. France has great geography, protected on all sides by mountains or sea apart from the North-East. England of course is well known for being easily defensible with excellent geography. Germany has great sea access. The loss of these nations to the hands of foreign elites who hate our guts would be devastating. We simply cannot hand these nations over without a fight.

All of this, of course, also highlights the immense geopolitical importance of America.

World of Warcraft Ruined Countless Millenials

Video games have the potential to be a good hobby, but the vast majority of times this is not the case. Honestly, I think the devastating impact that games like World of Warcraft had on the millenial generation cannot be understated. This impact is largely forgotten about and goes completely unnoticed. I personally know several men who became completely entranced by this game in their late-teens/ early twenties and never seemed to recover. They exist now as perpetual man-children with gaping nostalgic holes in their hearts, longing for the ‘good old days’ and forever waiting for their corporate overlords to provide them with a virtual gaming world that can reinstate in them the sense of youth and adventure that WoW provided for them. This new game will never come, but they refuse to let go of this false hope. The people who fell victim to this golden age of gaming are usually our more intelligent men of good potential, and all of this happened at a time during their lives when they were supposed to be coming of age.

Of course, MMORPGs are a particularly dangerous and addictive genre. I prefer more directly competitive genres such as MOBAs, RTS and FPS. But with competitive games you run up against a problem: If you want to excel at the game you need to put in the hours; and if you put in the hours, there is very little side-benefit to the rest of your life than there would be relative to other hobbies. Thus, the only healthy way to play a MOBA is to be mediocre at it: becoming a master would mean a near lifetime of dedication and going pro is largely a pipe-dream. And who wants to be mediocre at something where rank is king?

Don’t get me wrong, I played these games, I attended those bomb-ass LAN parties. I’m one of those millenials with that nostalgic hole in my heart. I don’t mean to proselytize. But my God am I glad I managed to listen to my instincts in my early 20s and wrestle myself away from that God-forsaken computer screen when I did.

Part of the problem is that there is no maturity or male leadership in the gaming community. Esports had the potential to be a healthy male outlet like chess or other sports, but the degeneracy of our age and the highly addictive nature of these games made it so that they instead dragged our men down into the pits of despair. You can very easily find these men’s stories with a simple YouTube search.

The best way for us to play games in the future is as a community in casual lobbies with one another; strategizing, bonding and talking shit with ‘our guys’. Single player is not where the magic happens, what makes video games special is the potential for male competition and camaraderie. There is potential for some positivity. Nonetheless, with gaming, proceed with extreme caution.

How to Resist Hypnosis

I recently went to a Derren Brown show and I hate to admit it, but he got me good (even without getting called on stage). For those who don’t know, Derren Brown has a wide array of world-class skills including sleight-of-hand, hypnosis, magician-ship, psychology, body language expertise and showmanship. He combines these skills into an impressive cacophony which dazzles and shocks audiences. Out of respect for his show, I won’t spoil too many of the details, but I will give an overview of my experience.

The first half featured many people from the audience who were successfully hypnotized by Derren Brown. Oh, what fools! The rest of us onlookers watched with laughter and glee as we saw confused and bewildered audience members struggle to remember how to do basic things. How could they be so silly to fall for these tricks?! It was entertaining to watch.

Little did I know that in the second half, I would be one of (about 70% of) audience members who would have about 1 minute of their memory successfully blanked out! How embarrassing, I became one of those fools which I was previously laughing at!

The first half of the performance had Derren Brown taking the audience through a variety of different tricks and productions. During one of these, he was engaging the audience in a sort of enchantment which was meant to have an effect on the attendees. I remember not fully engaging with his voice, narrative and instruction; I maintained a sort of conscious, 3rd person, skeptical mindset as he spoke – a sense of detachment from what was being spoken. As it turns out, many people did indeed get charmed by his little trick, but I believe my mindset during the narration provided a sort of resistance which prevented me from being hypnotized.

For the second half, unbeknownst to my conscious mind, I let my guard down. I was relaxed, I was enjoying the show, and it was fun to watch people get tricked on stage – at least it wasn’t happening to me! It was exactly in this state of mind that I became susceptible to his expertise: As it turns out, he was able to successfully blank about 1 minute of my memory!

Unbelievable. How did this happen!?

I do recall the moments before my memory got blanked. My mind was not in a state of focus, but rather in a sort of stupor. I was listening, but not fully engaged. Aware of the room but also mind-wandering. Half-dazed, half-observant. Passive, relaxed and enjoying the show. Suddenly, BOOM! I had been hypnotized and tricked – completely subconsciously – with video evidence provided at the end of the show proving that this in fact was the case.

When I got home I had to find out more.

In my brief research of the subject, it appears that even many hypnotists are not exactly sure how and why hypnosis happens. Nonetheless, we do know that there is a sort of compliance which takes place between subject and the hypnotizer. It appears that if you don’tsubconsciously want to be hypnotized, you won’t be.

But how was I complying?! Well, it was a fun night out and we had been given the tickets as a gift… I’m not going to completely disengage my mind from the show as some sort of skeptical, fedora-tipping, party-pooper Grinch who can’t have a good time. By my very nature of me being there and fully engaging with Derren, I was complying; I was becoming sucked into his world; I was becoming influenced by him; and was becoming susceptible to his trickery. And all of this subconsciously. Isn’t that odd how one can comply to something without deliberately complying?!

In order to be successful, a hypnotist must also put the subject in a trance and bypass their critical mind. In hindsight, I can see how the Derren’s entire show is orchestrated to suck you into his world, but in a detached sort of way with your critical capacities not fully functioning. Successful hypnotists will make contact with your unconscious mind in a way without you realizing. Hold your mental ground and stay engaged in your own world, and you should be resistant.

Looking back, if I wanted to resist his hypnosis, I think I would have had to completely disengage with Derren and his words; this could have been accomplished in many ways. For example: distracting myself, thinking of something else entirely, focusing on my body (on my own terms), ignoring him or ‘counter-hypnotizing’ myself with my own narratives. But who wants to go through that mental exertion on a night out at a show? You’re supposed to be having a good time! Nonetheless, having gone through the experience and having seen basically all fellow audience members have the same reaction as myself, I don’t think it’s possible for the majority of people to engage with a hypnotist with such mind-bending skill as Derren Brown and not eventually become enchanted.

Overall, I think there are potent lessons to be gained from the experience. Considering the power of the media and their finely-tuned capacity for influence, it’s never wise to put your guard down. This includes news, movies, headlines, advertisements and beyond. Stay on guard, stay vigilant and don’t sleepwalk through life. Despite your pride telling you otherwise, you are likely far more susceptible to subconscious influence than you realize.