My Optimism: Cope or Legit?

With the looming medical fascism, increasingly divided society and questionable election of Joe Biden, many in dissident circles have become increasingly pessimistic about the state of the West. Nonetheless, I remain optimistic about the developments over the last 2 years and how they might work out for the best long-term. To be clear, there are many some nations such as Australia and Canada which are in dire straits and many individuals in unfortunate circumstances due to the pseudo-vaccine mandates. However, I’m seeing positive developments in the big picture. I have been accused of my optimism being a cope, but I do not believe this to be the case.

During the Trump era, I found nationalists had unrealistic expectations about Donald Trump and how he would save America, or at least slow its collapse. This delusion and messianic view of Trump was a great weakness. There was an onus put on Trump saving the West when that weight should have always been on our shoulders to begin with.

With the election of Biden and the advent of Covid, the right-wing conversation has shifted from Q and “Trump, Trump Trump” to the stark realization that we urgently need to form a parallel society and economy. Only in these difficult circumstances was it possible for this zeitgeist of parallelism to emerge on the sizable, mainstream scale which we are seeing. This is an absolutely critical inflection point which had to happen sooner or later. Those of us who are pro-Western civilization needed this fire under our arse; we were getting far too comfortable and complacent.

Is this a cope? Sure, you could call it that. Is it a cope when you get laid-off from a job and you realize in hindsight that it was for the best in the end? Is it a cope when you go through a breakup and are forced to work on yourself, becoming a better person in the end? Just because these scenarios could be classified as copes does not mean they aren’t genuinely favourable. Under the current political context we have been forced into being stronger people. The cards are now on the table and our winning strategy is becoming clear.

So onward, slowly and surely we go, towards making a parallel society as independent from the system as possible. Only once dissidents have their self-reliance, networking and economic prowess in order will we be able to wield actual power anyways. Just imagine millions of Andrew Torba-types collaborating in all sorts of industries; red-pilled, successful, business-oriented people who trade in cows, gold, silver, crypto and 3-d printed supplies. That’s where I see us heading as a unified force. This vision was not nearly as apparent 2 years ago.

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