The Precarious Definitions and Redefinitions of Vaccine Vernacular

Language is one of the key battlegrounds on which the culture war is fought. Throughout the so-called pandemic, we have seen a strategic redefinition of the word vaccine. What previously, for almost 100 years, was defined as a preparation of weakened organisms injected to increase immunity to a particular disease is now any preparation injected …

My Optimism: Cope or Legit?

With the looming medical fascism, increasingly divided society and questionable election of Joe Biden, many in dissident circles have become increasingly pessimistic about the state of the West. Nonetheless, I remain optimistic about the developments over the last 2 years and how they might work out for the best long-term. To be clear, there are …

The Grim Dawn Decade of the 2020s

We are entering an era characterized by intermittent supply chain shortages, medical fascism and parallel societies. The optimism of the early 2000’s is slowly but assuredly fading away into a faint memory. For reasons ranging from peak oil, financial collapse, excessive immigration to climate change, both right-wing and left-wing doomsayers alike have been predicting the …

What I Learned Ditching my Smartphone for 3 Months

Recently, my smartphone screen cracked. Instead of going with trends and getting a new smartphone, I decided to downgrade to a feature phone. The phone I got (AGM M7) is not a full dumbphone as it runs a basic version of android which can run google maps, telegram, whatsapp, 4g or be used as a …