How Important is Food Production for the Dissident Right?

SpectacularOptical has outlined some of the weaknesses of homesteading with regards to our political situation. My previous post unintentionally came across as though I thought homesteading was the only path forward. I do think Covert Parallelism is our only path forward, but homesteading may or may not be a key part of that depending on …

Covert Parallelism: Our First Tactical Step Forward

Most of those reading this know by now that the hyper-wealthy parasitic class want to subjugate us into a perpetual slave state, destroy Western nations and homogenize the world into an amoral, soulless corporate technocracy where every aspect of our lives and resource consumption is meticulously tracked. Well, what are we going to do about …

Preparing for Winter 2022 with Limited Space and Resources

Northern and European lifestyles have traditionally centered around preparing for winter. However, in our age of industry, decadence and comfort we have lost touch with this tradition of seasonal preparation. As our world grows more unstable politically and economically, we will likely find ourselves rediscovering the harsh reality of our seasonal harvest and cold climate. …

The Dissident Right’s NPC Support of Putin

There are 3 types of people: those who believe everything the media says, those who go against everything the media says and those who think independently about each issue. Many dissidents have taken the side of Putin in the Russia-Ukraine conflict simply because they instinctively go against any mainstream media position and because apparently, ‘the …

Are You Contributing to the Decline at your Job?

A long-term trend in the West has been the general decline of our institutions and diminishing efficiency of our systems. This decline can be encapsulated by countless examples ranging from intermittent supply chains, failed foreign policy, senseless Covid rules, endless expanding bureaucracy to the fact that our education systems don’t actually turn out competent, employable …

Book Overview of Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

My main takeaway from this book is of the utmost importance of nasal breathing over mouthbreathing. Modern man with his modern ailments has largely lost his ability to breathe properly from this nose: 40% of today’s population suffers from chronic nasal obstruction. Naturally, without a properly functioning nose, the body will instead breath through the …

The Propaganda of Covid: Breaking the Fourth Wall

In light of the mind-bendingly effective media influence over people within the last 2 years, I decided to read Edward Bernays’ Propaganda. I also read a couple of books on traditional vaccines which happened to describe real-life examples of some of the methods described in Bernays’ book. Before getting into what I learned about propaganda from the …

7 Steps to Healthy Smartphone Use

There is nothing inherently bad about smartphones. In fact, they are incredibly powerful tools which have revolutionized the world. However, with great power comes great responsibility and I believe that the vast majority of people are using these devices in a way which harms them rather than helps them. Here is how you can develop …

The Denial of Autism Recovery by Medical Experts

Here’s a quote from Dr. Paul Thomas from the book The Vaccine-Friendly Plan on the medical establishment’s unwillingness to acknowledge autism recovery in certain cases: “Contrary to what I was led to believe from reading scientific journals, and from consulting with autism experts at leading centers, autism is not a hopeless situation that means a …

7 Benefits of Covid-19 for Dissidents

1.) The Technocratic Oligarchs have put their Cards on the Table Prior to the so-called pandemic, conspiracies of the ruling class subjugating mankind into a technocratic slave state were quite fringe. Now, the New World Order is becoming increasingly obvious for those with eyes to see. Global oligarchs have revealed their plan to make travel, …